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PBS TRAILER - - - “Armenia, My Home,” is Andrew Goldberg’s latest PBS documentary video, focusing on Armenia. We are sharing the trailer here as a sample of a modern documentary on this historic nation.


This film is about the new state of Armenia. The country of Armenia that became free in 1991. It’s only a small portion of the historic Armenia homeland, but it is free and independent and sovereign and doing better each year. We encourage you to view the full version of this documentary on PBS to learn more about this special place and maybe inspire you to join us in supporting Armenian children as they grow out of a history of genocide.


Goldberg’s previous documentaries have looked at life for Armenians in America (his first film) and the still lesser-known story of the Armenian Genocide, which he covered in a prior 2006 documentary.  Goldberg's work is a great resource for learning more about Armenia!

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